Monday, May 18, 2020

Why I Am A Physician - 894 Words

My desire to become a physician started at the same time that I was frequently visiting one. During high school, I experienced a new medical problem that required the help of a specialized physician. Being from a small town in Northern Wisconsin and a pediatric patient at the time, that specialized physician was not only an hour drive, but they also had a three month waiting list. As I waited those long three months to be seen, I began to understand how important health really is. My health was something that I had always taken for granted, but it was at this time that I realized that if you lose your health, you lose many things with it. Enjoyment, involvement, and experiences in multiple aspects of my life were gone. My sickness was miniscule compared to the impact that worst disease states could have on quality of life. It was also during that long wait that I noticed how underserved my small community was with specialists and physicians in general. This drove me to pursue a caree r in healthcare and influenced my coursework at UW - La Crosse. Furthering my passion to become a physician was a recent event in which my father had a heart attack. I have always been an enthusiast for prophylactic medicine and taking measures to avoid and prevent sickness rather than just simply treating the illness after it has already occurred. Sadly, even the best preventative medicines can only postpone certain medical situations for so long. At some point or another, medical interventionShow MoreRelatedWhy I Am A Physician952 Words   |  4 PagesAt the age of two, I was photographed with a stethoscope giving my interpretation of a cardiac exam to my uncle who was in medical school. As silly as it may sound, years later, I find myself attempting to be in the same position. I aspire to be a physician who improves the human condition and facilitates people to live many, healthy, happy years. Collectively, my life experiences have influenced me and helped me discover that my purpose is to heal people. My journey to pursue medicine started inRead MoreWhy I Am A Physician894 Words   |  4 Pagesdiscomforts felt in their heads when ill, stressed, or tired. Unfortunately, that does not apply to my family. I say unfortunately, not because we never have headaches, but because our migraines occur too frequently to actually be certain of their triggers. I remember preparing myself emotionally to have my first brain CT scan; I was sad, angry, but mostly scared. Nonetheless, I was hopeful. As I prepared for my scan, my father smiled and said, â€Å"Durowaa, you have to study hard to find the cure for ourRead MoreWhy I Am A Physician923 Words   |  4 Pagesless) that explains your interest and commitment to Community Medicine. When I envision myself as a physician, I picture someone who is truly invested in alleviating suffering, while being a community leader who goes above and beyond to make a difference in the lives of others. One of the most influential interactions that I had with the medical field occurred during high school when my mother fell sick. My family and I were going through a tough time financially and did not have the means of obtainingRead MoreWhy I Am A Physician Assistant1080 Words   |  5 Pagesto time, I reflect upon my family’s fortuitous circumstances in the darkest periods of war and their tumultuous journey to America. Being the eldest child of second-generation war refugees has significantly impacted my life decisions and aspirations. Neither of my parents finished their education due the Vietnam War, so I have the privilege of being the first in the family to graduate high school and attend university. As I calculate the odds of my existence, I find it unfathomable how I am able toRead MoreWhy I Am A Physician Dr. Charles Katzenberg1379 Words   |  6 PagesMy shadowing experience overall has been quite knowledgeable, my physician Dr. Charles Katzenberg has demonstrated and expressed much wisdom to me about what it takes to become a cardiologist. He has demonstrated the ability to approach patents with deep concern and understanding to fully get a sense of what and how the patient is feeling. He has also demonstrated the expertise it takes to solve cardiovascular enigmas, whether it is within the realm of medicine or outside the realm of medicine. FurthermoreRead MoreWhy I Am A Doctor962 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"the good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease.† A doctor is someone who treats people as people, not as a list of symptoms. It is this crucial characteristic that sets a great physician apart from a good physician. I aim to be a great one. College is a time of exploration for many, and the decisions that we make will influence our future careers. My interest for human biology has driven me to choose medicine for my career. So today, I hope to leaveRead MoreI Discovered My Servant s Heart Through Mission Trips With My Youth Group997 Words   |  4 PagesI discovered my servant’s heart through mission trips with my youth group. These mission trips were one of the major factors that inspired me to become a medical missionary. I had the opportunity to work with underprivileged individuals in rural areas and I got to witness the decreased access to basic needs such as health care, food, and proper living conditions. I have always had access to these and I believe they are essential to sustain life. It never really occurred to me that so many peopleRead MorePhysician: Healing the Modern World977 Words   |  4 Pages Since I was very young, I have always loved to help people. In elementary school whenever someone around me got hurt, I was there to ma ke sure they were okay, and I would do what I could to help. As I got older I started to think about what I wanted to do when I was older. I decided almost immediately that I wanted to help people, but I could not decide what type of job I could pursue. I asked my mom and she said, why not be a doctor? I liked that idea and decided to look into it. I took anRead MoreNurses And Physicians And Physician Assistants835 Words   |  4 Pagespresent time, rounding was just for physicians and physician assistants. But dietitians were recently included, so I got to watch as the providers presented their cases to one another. One individual stood out above the rest as she was presenting to her attending; she was confident, poised, and didn’t skip a beat during her presentation. Once the meeting was completed she sat down next to me and we started talking. She introduced herself as Becky, a physician assistant. Having never heard of the

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