Wednesday, May 6, 2020

E-Business Strategies Samples for Students †

Question: Discuss about the E-Business Strategies American Well. Answer: Introduction E-business strategy is conceptualized as the iterative process for creating and modifying the business model of the organization. The e-business strategy often pays the initial focus on the business. Later, the focus shifts towards the integration of the emerging technologies (Agaku et al. 2014). The e-business strategy is generally formulated for boosting the brand awareness. The study focuses on the e-business strategies undertaken by American Well. The previous discussion shed lights on the formulation of the specific strategy. It has been observed that the company is focusing on expanding the business by establishing the e-business strategy. The current study will focus on the organizational position in this business scenario. Reviewing the current strategy, the study will provide the overview of the new strategy development. The roadmap of e-business strategy will be used as the strategic tool that can lead the company towards success. Based on the result of the new strategy dev elopment, the study would present some of the preferable recommendations for the future prospects. The application of these recommendations will be much beneficial to ensure the sustainable business growth and achievement of the competitive advantage. Current Strategies of American Well The analysis report derived from the previous study determines that the e-commerce business strategy is much beneficial to expand the business worldwide. People have been using the internet, browsing different online sites and making profits from the e-businesses. Internet is the useful source of spreading brand awareness among the customers worldwide (Grajales et al. 2014). The company has undertaken the internet and digitalization process to improve the healthcare services for the users. The company has been using the video conferencing process to communicate with the customers and provide them the necessary health treatments. The company is also focusing widely on establishing the telecommunication process as a form of health care. However, it has been observed that the current strategies are not efficient enough to ensure the long term sustainability. Even in this advanced world, people face difficulties to trust the online sources. They mostly prefer the face to face conversatio n for treating the bad health. Moreover, in case of the health services, people usually prefer the direct dealing process (Prestin, Vieux and Chou 2015). In addition to this, the current telecommunication world in US has become much advanced and competitive. Therefore, it can be much risky for the company to depend on the telecommunication procedure to strengthen the customer base. Hence, the strategies used by the company are somewhat limited. It is necessary for the company to develop the proper strategies that can lead the company towards long term sustainability (Jovarauskien? and Pilinkien? 2015). Moreover, it is even essential to keep the focus on the customers preferences to achieve the competitive advantage. According to strategic analysis, it has been noted that American Well has four major competencies to achieve growth. First, the knowledge of the medical professional is much commendable. The knowledgeable health care practitioners are involved to provide the health care services to the customers through online video conferencing. Another most specific competency is accessibility. The company ensures that the customers get the proper access to the healthcare services through online sources whenever they need it. The frequent availability of the internet is much helpful for the customers (Barrett et al. 2015). The use of the digitalization process by the company is much commendable. The company has been using the innovative form of digitalization that can be effective enough in reducing time and costs. Customers can get the help easily through this digitalization process (Malecki 2014). The use of internet is much in trend in todays world. Most of the people are taking the help of inte rnet to derive knowledge regarding any particular subject. The digital process is much helpful to demonstrate the health care services to the target customers. Another major competency skill of the company is the user-friendly services. The company is concerned about the use of the services by the customers with proper ease. The e-business services are quite user-friendly for the customers (Westerman, Bonnet and McAfee 2014). Hence, the company has the proper online care services that are effective enough to gather the customers attention. However, despite of all such competency skills, it has been noticed that the strategies have some of the limitations. Even though the customers are much advanced these days, it has been seen that they believe more in reality than the virtual explanation (Fitzgerald et al. 2014). The customers sometimes fear of security breaches while dealing through online sources. It is necessary to undertake the modified strategies that can reduce such risks of data breaching (Martins, Rindova and Greenbaum 2015). Moreover, the development of the new strategies even can be helpful to ensure the reliability among the target customers (Fairburn and Patel 2014). The further section of the study will be analyzing the development of the new strategy by providing the guidance through strategic roadmap. Development of New Strategies The current dynamic business world requires the closer review of the business activities. The managers need to take the responsibility of reviewing the progress report. It has been observed that sometimes, the strategies undertaken by the firms are not sufficient to achieve the proposed goals. The limitation in the strategy can lead the organizations towards losing the customer base (Khanna and Palepu 2013). Therefore, it is necessary to undertake the preferable strategy that can draw the attention of the customers and make the expected profits. The previous digitalization and telecommunication process undertaken by American Well was not impressive to the customers since they face difficulties to trust the virtual world. Therefore, the company needs to undertake the relevant solution by undertaking the fruitful strategy development. The company needs to pay focus on investing more capital resource to improve the technologies and online promotional process. It is necessary for the com pany to generate reliability among the target customers (Farhangi 2014). The involvement of the expertise doctors and the advanced technological equipment would be beneficial to generate trust among the customers. During the online payment, the customers would receive an invoice message as the proof for their transaction. The maintenance of the flexibility will also be ensured. The development of the more informative webpage is essential. When the customers will be able to get access to the necessary information, it will be beneficial for them to trust the source for the healthcare treatment. The company even needs to develop the proper strategic decisions to eliminate the risks related to the security breaches (Martins, Rindova and Greenbaum 2015). There is the high probability of losing the customer data. Hence, it is necessary for the company to develop the effective IT security system to protect the customer data. The involvement of the professional IT technician would be much b eneficial in developing such security system. The Strategic Road Map will guide the vision, objective, value proposition, and the related segmentations of the strategy development process (Snihur et al. 2014). The following strategic road map will provide the insightful ideas about the necessity of undertaking this IT security based software implementation. Strategic Road Map Figure 1: Strategic Road Map (Source: Spieth, Schneckenberg and Ricart 2014) The above figure provides the clear ideas about the strategic implementation process that can increase the business benefits. The structured method of the strategic implementation will be aligned with the previous strategy. The company would even establish the value proposition through the extra IT security. The customers will receive the necessary information and their data will also be secured. The company even will pay attention towards the privacy concerns of the target customers (Veit et al. 2014). The company will maintain the proper ethical parameter to provide the secure services to the customers worldwide. However, it is essential to keep the focus on the continuous review and monitoring process (Martins, Rindova and Greenbaum 2015). The continuous improvement of the e-business strategies will ensure the long-term sustainability. Considering such requirements, the further section of the study will provide some of the specific and preferable recommendations that will facilita te the purpose in a significant way. Recommendation The strategic road map provides the insightful ideas about the strategic implementation that can increase the business profitability and generate the trust among the target customers. However, in order to ensure the strengthened strategic position, it is essential for the company to pay attention towards some of the significant and essential recommendations. It is necessary for the company to develop the proper communication process with the customers. When the customers can frequently communicate with the company, it will generate the sense of reliability among them. Moreover, it will be much beneficial to mitigate the emerging risks as well. The concentration on the severity of the risks is necessary. Accordingly, it is essential to pay attention towards the alternative solutions to minimize the risks. However, the first preference would be to address the risks among the associated stakeholders. The review and monitoring process is essential for the company to measure the progress report. The management department of the e-business process need to monitor the process much frequently. The company needs to provide the online training process to the customers in order to use the advanced technological equipment. The virtual instruction is needed to be understandable to the customers. Accordingly, it will be much helpful to generate the proper faith and strengthen the potential customer base. The company even needs to be attentive towards the basic needs and demands of the customers. Fulfilling the customers expectation will be much beneficial in accomplishing the pre-determined objectives. Conclusion American Well provides the featured and beneficial online health care services to the customers worldwide. The company has undertaken this strategic decision to expand the business and ensure the sustainable growth for the future prospects. However, it has been noted that due to some of the significant limitations, the company requires modifying the e-business strategy. It is essential to generate the sense of reliability among the customers. The implementation of the IT security will thus be beneficial to protect the information of the target customers. The formulated strategy road map even provides the specific considerations to implement such business strategy. Accordingly, the company needs to keep the focus on the continuous review and monitoring process to mitigate the emerging risks and improve the e-business activities. References Agaku, I.T., Adisa, A.O., Ayo-Yusuf, O.A. and Connolly, G.N., 2014. 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