Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Discussion Board (1) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Discussion Board (1) - Essay Example As a network, what one entity does in regards to criminal justice will affect all. Considering these definitions, the American criminal justice system is best defined as a process because: 1) there are distinctions among entities in criminal justice infrastructure, 2) actions of one agency are not interdependent upon another and 3) cooperation among agencies eliminates identification as a non-system. The American criminal justice system works through a variety of avenues. How things are implemented specifically â€Å"varies from state to state, and the federal criminal justice system has its own rules, procedures, and terms to describe the stages of the proceedings† (Bennett, n.d.). Generally, however, things tend to follow a similar pattern. First, an individual reports a crime. This individual can be â€Å"families, neighborhood associations, business, industry, agriculture, educational institutions, the news media, or any other private sector entity† (â€Å"Criminal Justice†, n.d.). From here the law enforcement agency, (usually at a local level at this point), goes through its own procedures for determining if a suspect is guilty and needs to be arrested. If the suspect is arrested, â€Å"then law enforcement agencies present the complaint and information and about the accused to the prosecutor, who will decide if formal charges will be filed with the c ourt (pre-indictment events)† (â€Å"Criminal Justice†, n.d.). If charges aren’t dropped, the accused will undergo a bail hearing, which will determine if a suspect will be allowed to attain their freedom while on bond. Then there is the arraignment which â€Å"is the formal presentation of charges in open court and where a judge considers evidence the prosecutor presents to decide whether there is probable cause to support the charges against the defendant† (â€Å"Criminal Justice†, n.d.). Plea

Monday, February 3, 2020

Music Genre of the Blues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Music Genre of the Blues - Essay Example From the discussion it is clear that dating back to the origin of different kinds of music genre, it is quite clear that they came about as a result of coordination of collection of human lifestyle and movement. Contextually, we can attribute the origin of the Blues music genre to human movement and farming and also a product of their deepest expressions. The Blues itself means being sank in melancholy or being depressed. The genre came about as a result of expression of plight and predicaments by the African-American slaves. At such times the Africans were being subjected to work in the North American Colonies Plantations. As the report declares music is influenced by climate through which it thrives. This is an implication that the Blues was also shaped by outside factors besides its human architects. Music was effected in religious activities and Africans who practiced Christianity used it to propagate their spiritual religion. As the Europeans strived towards transforming African pagans into faithful Christians, it can to their attention that these Africans were exceptionally talented in music. If you are to influence someone onto doing something then it is always better and much easier to employ what they have and like. The Europeans used the African music to spread the gospel of Christianity amongst their target population. â€Å"This "spiritual" music was the first instance of African music adapted to the social environment of the New World†¦Ã¢â‚¬ 