Wednesday, December 25, 2019

My Online Experience Essay - 1521 Words

My Online Experience Being a college student, it is important that one learns to become computer literate. Although I have had the opportunity to go on the Internet, I have never had the opportunity to go beyond doing research, or finding information simply for pleasure. Up to this day, I had not entered the intriguing world of the online communities, and what they can offer. I really did not know much about chat rooms nor had the interested in finding out. From hearing on the news what takes place in the chat rooms, I have had a very narrow perspective on chat rooms and what goes on in them. The reasons, I figured people explored the chat rooms was for friendship, romance, or excitement. In which case, I did not need from a†¦show more content†¦Being a child I did not understand why that had happened. I knew I changed the water a couple of times and also fed them. So what could have gone wrong? From that day on I decided I would never have any more fish. I was traumatized and never again wanted to be responsible for fishes. I felt that I had killed two fish and I was afraid of trying again. Being that this assignment was to be an educational experience, I figured I would take advantage of learning about chat rooms and to learn a little on how to maintain a small aquarium. The search then began. Since I was not familiar on how to log on to chat rooms, or where to start, I began by searching my topic on the web. I found several web sites on the topic, but neither had connections to chat rooms. Finally, I came across a web site that has an archive on information about aquariums and also a link to a chat room. This web site called FINS provides a great amount of information for people who are in the hobby of keeping and maintaining an aquarium. The chat room itself vas very interesting. I had the opportunity to met two people (Neon and Barb). Both were very informative. They gave me some helpful information regarding the steps needed to start an aquarium and how to keep it healthy. For example how important it is to clean the gravel, and where to place the plastic plants. A lso very important the process needed to clean the water. This chat room was very helpful in doing myShow MoreRelatedMy Online Shopping Experience On Why Individuals Are Not Rational1791 Words   |  8 PagesAn essay based on my online shopping experience on why individuals are not rational Introduction The essay will from my example show that individual including myself are not rational when making decisions. I will be using a diverse range of theories from the standard economic model to explain how the decision made during these experiences showed a rational behaviour and how it violates the standard economic model. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

The Most Popular Researched Argument Essay Topics

The Most Popular Researched Argument Essay Topics Getting in a position to compose a strong argument will allow you to succeed in society. At length, you also need to have the ability to explore each side of the argument to provide a rounded essay. Arguments always happen in a specific context. You are able to restate your argument, which is a rather common practice amongst essayists. You need to realize that different individuals have various points of view regarding the very same topic, so be patient. Look through the list of topics with care and start making a mental collection of the evidence it's possible to use on topics you want. All you will need is a simple topic. In choosing your topic, it's frequently a good notion to start out with a subject which you already have some familiarity with. It's possible to opt for an intriguing topic from any area of science. The next portion of your intro is devoted to offering some comprehensive background information on your topic. Finding the most suitable arguments can help you prove your point and win. If you get to select your own topic, that's good. The topic has to be based on an excellent evidence base. Once it has been decided, it is essential to develop an argument surrounding the same. For instance, in college, you might be requested to compose a paper from the opposing perspective. The very best thing about an argumentative essay which contains social issues is that you could describe your individual experience on the case of the real-life case. You might also want to incorporate a brief discussion of more research that ought to be completed in light of your work. If you're struggling, you always have the option to obtain help by employing an essay writing service such as ours. You may continue to keep your argumentative essays for your upcoming job portfolio in case they're highly graded. Preferably, it must be something which you're an expert in. In terms of the organization of the last essay, it's advisable to use a 5-paragraph structure. The structure of your paper's outline is exactly like the structure of your whole essay. Top Choices of Researched Argument Essay Topics Recent argumentative essay topics that are related to society is going to do. In order to supply an in-depth understanding about the argumentative essay, it is wise to examine some of the greatest examples of argumentative essay. When you are finished with your essay, you must not simply check it for spelling and grammatical errors, but nevertheless, it also has to be checked for logical fallacies. The essay should have a little structure, unlike a normal essay. Remember that the amount of your essay is contingent on the assignment provided to you. You have to make sure you keep on that 1 side during your whole essay. Regardless of what essay topic you're given, our essay generator will have the ability to finish your essay easily. It is an impossible task to produce the powerful, persuasive paper or speech without understanding how to compose a decent argumentative essay. If you've got to write your whole essay in 1 day, do your very best to give yourself breaks so you don't burn out. It would be far faster and comfortable if you're going to take notes while reading. In case you've wrapped up your principal argument, but you lack the idea about what's next, you own a reason to discover online academic writing service. When you're picking your topic, remember that it's much simpler to write about something which you presently have interest ineven in case you don't know a great deal about it. Explain why the dilemma is vital. It is that everyone's interpretation of what makes a good society is different.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Voluntary Activities in UAE-Free-Samples

Question: Discuss about the Policies regarding making voluntary services mandatory in the Universities of Abu Dhabi for the students. Answer: Introduction The purpose of this report is to highlight the policies regarding making voluntary services mandatory in the Universities of Abu Dhabi for the students. In this context, it is also a matter of fact that the policies regarding this issue is applicable to the students who have enrolled in the government universities as well as private universities in Abu Dhabi. Scope of this paper The policies made are applicable to all the university students of Abu Dhabi with some exempted categories. The paper provides the required details in this context and explores how volunteering services by the students can be important for the educational organizations as well as for the community. Eligibility The students must be of the age group of 18 to 30 years. Students should not have any past criminal record. All the students should obtain a certificate for completing voluntary service in an university of at least 20 hours of work done. The advisory committee will guide the students to choose the best suitable area of work for them. No achievement certificate will be submitted by any accredited organization shall be recognized in the field of voluntary work for the universities. Basic requirements All the students of the universities will have to work at least 20 hours of voluntary service in order to get a degree of graduation. The students would have to submit official certificate from their work place in order to validate their voluntary service. Only certified organizations can issue this type of certificates. Responsibilities of the students The students of the universities have to abide by the rules and regulations set by his highness regarding voluntary services at the universities, in order to get a valid degree of graduation. The organizations who receive voluntary services from the students should expect confidentiality. Monitoring evaluation and review Policy 1: This particular policy will be beneficiary for the students as well for the managing committee of the universities. If the students get a certificate from the recognized universities then only it would be counted that, that particular student has provided voluntary service to the university and then only judging by the certificate the management of the University would hand over the degree of graduation (Holdsworth Brewis, 2014). By this way the clarity will be maintained. Policy 2: According to this policy, the organization where the students worked will evaluate the students performance and his or her determination and then only decide whether the student is eligible to acquire a certificate of voluntary service or not (Haddad, 2015). This policy is helpful because it would maintain the balance regarding the students who are eligible to get the degree or not. Policy 3: According to this policy the organizations where the students will give voluntary service will make sure that the students are attending and participating in a way that they become eligible to earn a certificate. This policy will help to maintain a harmony and also makes sure that no student is left behind. Policy 4: According to this policy, there will be a community service office where they will make sure that they will help the universities to measure the performance level of the students (Malouf, Selakovi? Ljepava, 2016). This policy will ensure that all students are being monitored and their contribution for the universities is useful for the management. Policy 5: The policy 5 declares that there will be an officer in each community who will ensure that the students under his jurisdiction will find a suitable work for him that would serve the purpose of the university. Under this policy it is also mentioned that the concerned officer will make sure that each part of this particular system, like the universities, organizations and the students are proactively doing their part of work (Holdsworth Brewis, 2014). Along with those it would be the duty of that officer to give proper feedback to the students, universities and the organizations. Importance of voluntary service It can be said that the policies that state that it is important that the students of the universities should provide a voluntary service to the community are beneficial for the students as well for the universities and for the communities. The volunteers are the major resources to help and support the academic and welcoming environment in the educational institutions. His highness of UAE understands that volunteer services of the students are an significant part of the education system as by this the students will face more real life situation before graduating and they will grow a vision regarding how to work successfully in the professional life (Malouf, Selakovi? Ljepava, 2016). Apart from that, it can be said that, in most cases, the students go for providing voluntary services to help any organization or to gather real time experience in the field of work. It can be said that the majority of the students of Abu Dhabi University are generally motivated by the wish to improve th eir professional capabilities. The students of Universalities see the voluntary services like their first step of getting employed (Haddad, 2015). As providing voluntary services would help them to brush up their skills or to develop new skills. The student volunteers might provide major contribution to the business organizations along with to the community. From the students a fresh enthusiasm is found that can drive the existing employees to work more and this can potentially motivate the actual employees to enhance their work rate. Protection of environment Currently there are various programs regarding environmental protection and areas of energy saving, where these days the volunteers actively take part and enhances the work rate. There are several instances in UAE, where the students participated in community recycling project. In these cases, the volunteers also get engaged in woodland planting, peat conservation and in carbon offsetting activities (Holdsworth Brewis, 2014). From the statistics, it is seen that nearly 80% of the students look at their mandatory volunteer services as a way of gaining work experience and the certificate they acquire from that particular organization, based on the remarks, the student might get better job opportunities. Over 60% of the graduates who has served in any business organization have stated that the certificates they got from those organizations, helped majorly to get good jobs later on, and apart from that those voluntary services made them ready to take challenges in real professional life (Malouf, Selakovi? Ljepava, 2016). Developing new skills While providing voluntary services, the students get an opportunity to meet new individuals and that widens their knowledge and makes them feel part of a community. Out of all the students, at least 70% of them experienced that these voluntary services helped them to develop intrapersonal skills they have gathered knowledge regarding many topics that have helped them to progress in their professional careers (Andersen, Heinesen Pedersen, 2014). In this way the students will get access to the higher quality opportunities of volunteering and this way they will get the necessary support to grow more in their respective field of work in future. His Highness of UAE understood that government; educational institutes and the non-profit organization must address the negative attitudes and try to increase the participation of the student population in volunteering. In this way the youths of the age group of 18 to 30 years old are generally targeted (Malouf, Selakovi? Ljepava, 2016). It can be said that young generation provide voluntary services as the major motivator is opportunity to get better job, but apart from that, they will be able to develop new skills that might help him or her in near future (Alzaghal Momani, 2017). Voluntary services can enhance a students development regarding their academic field and they can have more scope regarding choosing the path of their career. Apart from that volunteering can help the students to build their civic responsibilities. Benefits of educational sector by the voluntary services In UAE the volunteers contribute immensely in the educational sector as the schools and the universities are the most important areas to volunteer for the university and the school students. As education system is one of te most important focus for the making of policies by the government, everything cannot be implemented without the proactive services of the volunteers (Aljifri et al., 2014). As in this way the individuals who offers voluntary services also gets benefitted, the government of UAE has made it mandatory for the students of the universities of Abu Dhabi to volunteer at least 20 hours services at any organization in order to attain the degree of graduation. It is seen that in UAE the student volunteers produced services worth almost 50 billion US dollars in academic, non-profit organization an in community works. This can be seen as an achievement and success of implementing such rules. Apr from only the monetary benefits, it can be seen that by this type of activities the students along with the communities benefit from the policies implemented by His Highness of UAE (Allen Galiano, 2017). These student volunteers play the role of a bridge that connects the different parts of the society and most of the organizations reported that they experienced collaboration with government and other private sector. Goods and services provided by the volunteers The volunteers provide good services and public goods especially when those are not available due to scarcity in the market or due to the failure of the government. The volunteers actually fill the gaps in the supply chain of the services and the goods that are not available by the public sector providers or by the private concerns. It can be said that the volunteers are the major resources to help to create a positive environment in the educational institutes and enhances the quality of performance and the behavior of the students. For an example, in an educational organization if the other students see that the adult volunteers are taking the education seriously under the academic environment, the other students also gets motivated to enhance their performance (Allen Galiano, 2017). It can surely be said that the volunteers are the asset of any educational institutions as they can enhance the organizations effort to support the teaching and learning process. After implementing the policies made by his highness of UAE, there are numerous employee-based volunteer programs in various organizations and these programs can be seen as strategic assets and the organizations are merging these service volunteer programs into their own business strategies in order to strengthen the relationship with the workforce (Aljifri et al., 2014). There are instances where the individuals performed well as a volunteer and later got placed in that organization as an full time employee. These are the motivational factors of providing voluntary services. Conclusion Thus to conclude, it can be said that the policies regarding providing the voluntary services for the university students becoming mandatory to graduate is an extraordinary step by the government of UAE as this initiative would serve multiple purposes. In tis way the students will get a better idea of the awaiting professional life and the experience of serving as a volunteer would definitely enhance their outer knowledge and would definitely help them to develop new professional skills and brush up the skills already acquired. It is seen that after implementing these policies there has been a significant improvement in the financial sector and the government and privately owned business organizations. This can be seen as a way to use huge unused human resources and along with that engaging the students for a greater cause enhancing their skills so that they can flourish in future using these experiences. It can also be said that due to these types of activities the students experien ce an enhanced sense of responsibility along with that an increased level of confidence can be seen among the students. Thus, in short, it can be said that implementing these new policies are an innovative idea that can surely make the nation progress rapidly with an increase in the productivity in all types of business sectors. References Aljifri, K., Alzarouni, A., Ng, C., Tahir, M. I. (2014). The association between firm characteristics and corporate financial disclosures: evidence from UAE companies. Allen, K., Galiano, M. (2017). Corporate Volunteering in the Global South. InPerspectives on Volunteering(pp. 99-114). Springer International Publishing. Alzaghal, M. H., Momani, N. M. (2017). Emergency volunteering in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: current and future trends.International journal of emergency management,13(2), 160-168. Andersen, L. B., Heinesen, E., Pedersen, L. H. (2014). How does public service motivation among teachers affect student performance in schools?.Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory,24(3), 651-671. Flanagan, C., Gill, S., Gallay, L. (2014). SOCIAL PARTICIPATION AND SOCIAL TRUST IN ADOLESCEN CE: THE IMPORTANCE OF HETEROGENEOUS EN COUN TERS.Processes of community change and social action, 149. Haddad, T. (2015). Volunteering in the Arab World: Bringing Back People into Politics?.Democracy and Security,11(2), 145-159. Holdsworth, C., Brewis, G. (2014). Volunteering, choice and control: a case study of higher education student volunteering.Journal of Youth Studies,17(2), 204-219.Abu Elanain, H. (2014). Leader-member exchange and intent to turnover: Testing a mediated-effects model in a high turnover work Malouf, A., Selakovi?, M., Ljepava, N. (2016). Exploring the Relationship Between Corporate Volunteering and Internal Communications in Multinational Organizations. Osborne, S. P. (2013).Voluntary organizations and innovation in public services. Routledge. Ross, L., van Leeuwen, R., Baldacchino, D., Giske, T., McSherry, W., Narayanasamy, A., ... Schep-Akkerman, A. (2014). Student nurses perceptions of spirituality and competence in delivering spiritual care: a European pilot study.Nurse Education Today,34(5), 697-702. Royse, D., Dhooper, S. S., Rompf, E. L. (2016).Field instruction: A guide for social work students. Waveland Press.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Leonardo DaVinci Essays - Giftedness, Age Of Enlightenment

Leonardo DaVinci Geniuses come few and far between in history. Hippocrates came in the late BC period. Einstein came in the late 1800s-early 1900s. Leonardo came in between the two of them, but is not recognized as well as they are. He was a brilliant human being. He was a master in the fields of painting, designing, engineering, and science. Most people know him merely as an artist, and some know him as an inventor, but not too many people know him for what he really was. This is because his life and his accomplishments are not taught, as in depth as they should be. During the height of the renascence, a genius was born in 1452 in the small town of Vinci, near Florence. He would become a great artist, engineer, inventor, and a scientist. His name was Leonardo, a name that would soon be associated with the word brilliant. He was born to Piero, the lawyer of the town, and Catarina, who gave Leonardo to his father, and left them both for a man of her social class. She is not mentioned in Leonardo's notebooks, as he was probably too young to remember her. Leonardo grew up feeling different from the other children. He had a strange curiosity that was lacking in the other children. He would buy birds from the markets, and set them free, because he thought it was wrong to keep them locked up in cages. He also had a strange curiosity about the world around him. He kept collections of "snakeskins, odd stones polished by water, birds' eggs, the skeletons of small animals, insects stuck on pins, tadpoles, and strange plants," in his room because they fascinated him. Leonardo would draw the things in his collection in a notebook. When his father saw the notebook, he thought that there was a possibility that Leonardo had a chance to become an artist. Piero went into Florence once a month on business and one time he brought some of his son's work. He showed it to his friend Andrea del Verrocchio. "He saw more than just mere talent in Leonardo" and almost immediately, Leonardo moved to Florence as Verrocchio apprentice. Leonardo never got married. From what is known, he did not have any children, either. I find this tragic, for if he had any children, they may have possibly continued in Leonardo's footsteps, and become great geniuses as well. Leonardo was so talented that after Leonardo painted two angels in the corner of Verrocchio's Baptism of Christ, Verrocchio never painted again. Soon after that Leonardo went on to paint the Annunciation, which was his first of only a few completed paintings. When Leonardo painted he generally experimented with new techniques, and paints, so once he finished perfecting the experiment he went on to another work. Leonardo's paintings are truly masterful. He made two copies of one of his first paintings, The Virgin on the Rocks. The first one he painted in Florence. The second one he painted for the Confraternity of the Immaculate Conception. He was commissioned to paint for them. He felt he was not being paid enough to create a new painting. Therefore, rather than refusing to paint, or raising the price, Leonardo, smart as he was, suggested that he copy of The Virgin on the Rocks for them. Although the paintings are relatively the same, there are noticeable differences in the details of the two of them. Leonardo's version of The Last Supper is truly the best version ever created. "Artists before Leonardo had tried to recreate this dramatic moment in Christ's life, but no one had succeeded with such nobility and force." Leonardo depicted all the apostles with such personality and grace that all of their emotions and feelings were masterfully revealed. The betrayal is shown beautifully as well. Truly, no one has ever come close to surpassing the true genius of DaVinci's depiction of the Last Supper. Another great painting by Leonardo DaVinci is the Mona Lisa. This is his most famous painting. Mona Lisa was the daughter of a Florentine merchant. She is sitting with her hands folded, with a particular grin, which is seen in many of Leonardo's paintings. Leonardo's inventions were way ahead of his time. He created plans for tanks, helicopters, submarines, and many other weapons of war and machinery. He also experimented with flying, and although now one really knows for sure, many people believe that he was unsuccessful at this. For every recreation of his experiment has used materials that Leonardo didn't have