Wednesday, December 25, 2019

My Online Experience Essay - 1521 Words

My Online Experience Being a college student, it is important that one learns to become computer literate. Although I have had the opportunity to go on the Internet, I have never had the opportunity to go beyond doing research, or finding information simply for pleasure. Up to this day, I had not entered the intriguing world of the online communities, and what they can offer. I really did not know much about chat rooms nor had the interested in finding out. From hearing on the news what takes place in the chat rooms, I have had a very narrow perspective on chat rooms and what goes on in them. The reasons, I figured people explored the chat rooms was for friendship, romance, or excitement. In which case, I did not need from a†¦show more content†¦Being a child I did not understand why that had happened. I knew I changed the water a couple of times and also fed them. So what could have gone wrong? From that day on I decided I would never have any more fish. I was traumatized and never again wanted to be responsible for fishes. I felt that I had killed two fish and I was afraid of trying again. Being that this assignment was to be an educational experience, I figured I would take advantage of learning about chat rooms and to learn a little on how to maintain a small aquarium. The search then began. Since I was not familiar on how to log on to chat rooms, or where to start, I began by searching my topic on the web. I found several web sites on the topic, but neither had connections to chat rooms. Finally, I came across a web site that has an archive on information about aquariums and also a link to a chat room. This web site called FINS provides a great amount of information for people who are in the hobby of keeping and maintaining an aquarium. The chat room itself vas very interesting. I had the opportunity to met two people (Neon and Barb). Both were very informative. They gave me some helpful information regarding the steps needed to start an aquarium and how to keep it healthy. For example how important it is to clean the gravel, and where to place the plastic plants. A lso very important the process needed to clean the water. This chat room was very helpful in doing myShow MoreRelatedMy Online Shopping Experience On Why Individuals Are Not Rational1791 Words   |  8 PagesAn essay based on my online shopping experience on why individuals are not rational Introduction The essay will from my example show that individual including myself are not rational when making decisions. I will be using a diverse range of theories from the standard economic model to explain how the decision made during these experiences showed a rational behaviour and how it violates the standard economic model. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

The Most Popular Researched Argument Essay Topics

The Most Popular Researched Argument Essay Topics Getting in a position to compose a strong argument will allow you to succeed in society. At length, you also need to have the ability to explore each side of the argument to provide a rounded essay. Arguments always happen in a specific context. You are able to restate your argument, which is a rather common practice amongst essayists. You need to realize that different individuals have various points of view regarding the very same topic, so be patient. Look through the list of topics with care and start making a mental collection of the evidence it's possible to use on topics you want. All you will need is a simple topic. In choosing your topic, it's frequently a good notion to start out with a subject which you already have some familiarity with. It's possible to opt for an intriguing topic from any area of science. The next portion of your intro is devoted to offering some comprehensive background information on your topic. Finding the most suitable arguments can help you prove your point and win. If you get to select your own topic, that's good. The topic has to be based on an excellent evidence base. Once it has been decided, it is essential to develop an argument surrounding the same. For instance, in college, you might be requested to compose a paper from the opposing perspective. The very best thing about an argumentative essay which contains social issues is that you could describe your individual experience on the case of the real-life case. You might also want to incorporate a brief discussion of more research that ought to be completed in light of your work. If you're struggling, you always have the option to obtain help by employing an essay writing service such as ours. You may continue to keep your argumentative essays for your upcoming job portfolio in case they're highly graded. Preferably, it must be something which you're an expert in. In terms of the organization of the last essay, it's advisable to use a 5-paragraph structure. The structure of your paper's outline is exactly like the structure of your whole essay. Top Choices of Researched Argument Essay Topics Recent argumentative essay topics that are related to society is going to do. In order to supply an in-depth understanding about the argumentative essay, it is wise to examine some of the greatest examples of argumentative essay. When you are finished with your essay, you must not simply check it for spelling and grammatical errors, but nevertheless, it also has to be checked for logical fallacies. The essay should have a little structure, unlike a normal essay. Remember that the amount of your essay is contingent on the assignment provided to you. You have to make sure you keep on that 1 side during your whole essay. Regardless of what essay topic you're given, our essay generator will have the ability to finish your essay easily. It is an impossible task to produce the powerful, persuasive paper or speech without understanding how to compose a decent argumentative essay. If you've got to write your whole essay in 1 day, do your very best to give yourself breaks so you don't burn out. It would be far faster and comfortable if you're going to take notes while reading. In case you've wrapped up your principal argument, but you lack the idea about what's next, you own a reason to discover online academic writing service. When you're picking your topic, remember that it's much simpler to write about something which you presently have interest ineven in case you don't know a great deal about it. Explain why the dilemma is vital. It is that everyone's interpretation of what makes a good society is different.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Voluntary Activities in UAE-Free-Samples

Question: Discuss about the Policies regarding making voluntary services mandatory in the Universities of Abu Dhabi for the students. Answer: Introduction The purpose of this report is to highlight the policies regarding making voluntary services mandatory in the Universities of Abu Dhabi for the students. In this context, it is also a matter of fact that the policies regarding this issue is applicable to the students who have enrolled in the government universities as well as private universities in Abu Dhabi. Scope of this paper The policies made are applicable to all the university students of Abu Dhabi with some exempted categories. The paper provides the required details in this context and explores how volunteering services by the students can be important for the educational organizations as well as for the community. Eligibility The students must be of the age group of 18 to 30 years. Students should not have any past criminal record. All the students should obtain a certificate for completing voluntary service in an university of at least 20 hours of work done. The advisory committee will guide the students to choose the best suitable area of work for them. No achievement certificate will be submitted by any accredited organization shall be recognized in the field of voluntary work for the universities. Basic requirements All the students of the universities will have to work at least 20 hours of voluntary service in order to get a degree of graduation. The students would have to submit official certificate from their work place in order to validate their voluntary service. Only certified organizations can issue this type of certificates. Responsibilities of the students The students of the universities have to abide by the rules and regulations set by his highness regarding voluntary services at the universities, in order to get a valid degree of graduation. The organizations who receive voluntary services from the students should expect confidentiality. Monitoring evaluation and review Policy 1: This particular policy will be beneficiary for the students as well for the managing committee of the universities. If the students get a certificate from the recognized universities then only it would be counted that, that particular student has provided voluntary service to the university and then only judging by the certificate the management of the University would hand over the degree of graduation (Holdsworth Brewis, 2014). By this way the clarity will be maintained. Policy 2: According to this policy, the organization where the students worked will evaluate the students performance and his or her determination and then only decide whether the student is eligible to acquire a certificate of voluntary service or not (Haddad, 2015). This policy is helpful because it would maintain the balance regarding the students who are eligible to get the degree or not. Policy 3: According to this policy the organizations where the students will give voluntary service will make sure that the students are attending and participating in a way that they become eligible to earn a certificate. This policy will help to maintain a harmony and also makes sure that no student is left behind. Policy 4: According to this policy, there will be a community service office where they will make sure that they will help the universities to measure the performance level of the students (Malouf, Selakovi? Ljepava, 2016). This policy will ensure that all students are being monitored and their contribution for the universities is useful for the management. Policy 5: The policy 5 declares that there will be an officer in each community who will ensure that the students under his jurisdiction will find a suitable work for him that would serve the purpose of the university. Under this policy it is also mentioned that the concerned officer will make sure that each part of this particular system, like the universities, organizations and the students are proactively doing their part of work (Holdsworth Brewis, 2014). Along with those it would be the duty of that officer to give proper feedback to the students, universities and the organizations. Importance of voluntary service It can be said that the policies that state that it is important that the students of the universities should provide a voluntary service to the community are beneficial for the students as well for the universities and for the communities. The volunteers are the major resources to help and support the academic and welcoming environment in the educational institutions. His highness of UAE understands that volunteer services of the students are an significant part of the education system as by this the students will face more real life situation before graduating and they will grow a vision regarding how to work successfully in the professional life (Malouf, Selakovi? Ljepava, 2016). Apart from that, it can be said that, in most cases, the students go for providing voluntary services to help any organization or to gather real time experience in the field of work. It can be said that the majority of the students of Abu Dhabi University are generally motivated by the wish to improve th eir professional capabilities. The students of Universalities see the voluntary services like their first step of getting employed (Haddad, 2015). As providing voluntary services would help them to brush up their skills or to develop new skills. The student volunteers might provide major contribution to the business organizations along with to the community. From the students a fresh enthusiasm is found that can drive the existing employees to work more and this can potentially motivate the actual employees to enhance their work rate. Protection of environment Currently there are various programs regarding environmental protection and areas of energy saving, where these days the volunteers actively take part and enhances the work rate. There are several instances in UAE, where the students participated in community recycling project. In these cases, the volunteers also get engaged in woodland planting, peat conservation and in carbon offsetting activities (Holdsworth Brewis, 2014). From the statistics, it is seen that nearly 80% of the students look at their mandatory volunteer services as a way of gaining work experience and the certificate they acquire from that particular organization, based on the remarks, the student might get better job opportunities. Over 60% of the graduates who has served in any business organization have stated that the certificates they got from those organizations, helped majorly to get good jobs later on, and apart from that those voluntary services made them ready to take challenges in real professional life (Malouf, Selakovi? Ljepava, 2016). Developing new skills While providing voluntary services, the students get an opportunity to meet new individuals and that widens their knowledge and makes them feel part of a community. Out of all the students, at least 70% of them experienced that these voluntary services helped them to develop intrapersonal skills they have gathered knowledge regarding many topics that have helped them to progress in their professional careers (Andersen, Heinesen Pedersen, 2014). In this way the students will get access to the higher quality opportunities of volunteering and this way they will get the necessary support to grow more in their respective field of work in future. His Highness of UAE understood that government; educational institutes and the non-profit organization must address the negative attitudes and try to increase the participation of the student population in volunteering. In this way the youths of the age group of 18 to 30 years old are generally targeted (Malouf, Selakovi? Ljepava, 2016). It can be said that young generation provide voluntary services as the major motivator is opportunity to get better job, but apart from that, they will be able to develop new skills that might help him or her in near future (Alzaghal Momani, 2017). Voluntary services can enhance a students development regarding their academic field and they can have more scope regarding choosing the path of their career. Apart from that volunteering can help the students to build their civic responsibilities. Benefits of educational sector by the voluntary services In UAE the volunteers contribute immensely in the educational sector as the schools and the universities are the most important areas to volunteer for the university and the school students. As education system is one of te most important focus for the making of policies by the government, everything cannot be implemented without the proactive services of the volunteers (Aljifri et al., 2014). As in this way the individuals who offers voluntary services also gets benefitted, the government of UAE has made it mandatory for the students of the universities of Abu Dhabi to volunteer at least 20 hours services at any organization in order to attain the degree of graduation. It is seen that in UAE the student volunteers produced services worth almost 50 billion US dollars in academic, non-profit organization an in community works. This can be seen as an achievement and success of implementing such rules. Apr from only the monetary benefits, it can be seen that by this type of activities the students along with the communities benefit from the policies implemented by His Highness of UAE (Allen Galiano, 2017). These student volunteers play the role of a bridge that connects the different parts of the society and most of the organizations reported that they experienced collaboration with government and other private sector. Goods and services provided by the volunteers The volunteers provide good services and public goods especially when those are not available due to scarcity in the market or due to the failure of the government. The volunteers actually fill the gaps in the supply chain of the services and the goods that are not available by the public sector providers or by the private concerns. It can be said that the volunteers are the major resources to help to create a positive environment in the educational institutes and enhances the quality of performance and the behavior of the students. For an example, in an educational organization if the other students see that the adult volunteers are taking the education seriously under the academic environment, the other students also gets motivated to enhance their performance (Allen Galiano, 2017). It can surely be said that the volunteers are the asset of any educational institutions as they can enhance the organizations effort to support the teaching and learning process. After implementing the policies made by his highness of UAE, there are numerous employee-based volunteer programs in various organizations and these programs can be seen as strategic assets and the organizations are merging these service volunteer programs into their own business strategies in order to strengthen the relationship with the workforce (Aljifri et al., 2014). There are instances where the individuals performed well as a volunteer and later got placed in that organization as an full time employee. These are the motivational factors of providing voluntary services. Conclusion Thus to conclude, it can be said that the policies regarding providing the voluntary services for the university students becoming mandatory to graduate is an extraordinary step by the government of UAE as this initiative would serve multiple purposes. In tis way the students will get a better idea of the awaiting professional life and the experience of serving as a volunteer would definitely enhance their outer knowledge and would definitely help them to develop new professional skills and brush up the skills already acquired. It is seen that after implementing these policies there has been a significant improvement in the financial sector and the government and privately owned business organizations. This can be seen as a way to use huge unused human resources and along with that engaging the students for a greater cause enhancing their skills so that they can flourish in future using these experiences. It can also be said that due to these types of activities the students experien ce an enhanced sense of responsibility along with that an increased level of confidence can be seen among the students. Thus, in short, it can be said that implementing these new policies are an innovative idea that can surely make the nation progress rapidly with an increase in the productivity in all types of business sectors. References Aljifri, K., Alzarouni, A., Ng, C., Tahir, M. I. (2014). The association between firm characteristics and corporate financial disclosures: evidence from UAE companies. Allen, K., Galiano, M. (2017). Corporate Volunteering in the Global South. InPerspectives on Volunteering(pp. 99-114). Springer International Publishing. Alzaghal, M. H., Momani, N. M. (2017). Emergency volunteering in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: current and future trends.International journal of emergency management,13(2), 160-168. Andersen, L. B., Heinesen, E., Pedersen, L. H. (2014). How does public service motivation among teachers affect student performance in schools?.Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory,24(3), 651-671. Flanagan, C., Gill, S., Gallay, L. (2014). SOCIAL PARTICIPATION AND SOCIAL TRUST IN ADOLESCEN CE: THE IMPORTANCE OF HETEROGENEOUS EN COUN TERS.Processes of community change and social action, 149. Haddad, T. (2015). Volunteering in the Arab World: Bringing Back People into Politics?.Democracy and Security,11(2), 145-159. Holdsworth, C., Brewis, G. (2014). Volunteering, choice and control: a case study of higher education student volunteering.Journal of Youth Studies,17(2), 204-219.Abu Elanain, H. (2014). Leader-member exchange and intent to turnover: Testing a mediated-effects model in a high turnover work Malouf, A., Selakovi?, M., Ljepava, N. (2016). Exploring the Relationship Between Corporate Volunteering and Internal Communications in Multinational Organizations. Osborne, S. P. (2013).Voluntary organizations and innovation in public services. Routledge. Ross, L., van Leeuwen, R., Baldacchino, D., Giske, T., McSherry, W., Narayanasamy, A., ... Schep-Akkerman, A. (2014). Student nurses perceptions of spirituality and competence in delivering spiritual care: a European pilot study.Nurse Education Today,34(5), 697-702. Royse, D., Dhooper, S. S., Rompf, E. L. (2016).Field instruction: A guide for social work students. Waveland Press.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Leonardo DaVinci Essays - Giftedness, Age Of Enlightenment

Leonardo DaVinci Geniuses come few and far between in history. Hippocrates came in the late BC period. Einstein came in the late 1800s-early 1900s. Leonardo came in between the two of them, but is not recognized as well as they are. He was a brilliant human being. He was a master in the fields of painting, designing, engineering, and science. Most people know him merely as an artist, and some know him as an inventor, but not too many people know him for what he really was. This is because his life and his accomplishments are not taught, as in depth as they should be. During the height of the renascence, a genius was born in 1452 in the small town of Vinci, near Florence. He would become a great artist, engineer, inventor, and a scientist. His name was Leonardo, a name that would soon be associated with the word brilliant. He was born to Piero, the lawyer of the town, and Catarina, who gave Leonardo to his father, and left them both for a man of her social class. She is not mentioned in Leonardo's notebooks, as he was probably too young to remember her. Leonardo grew up feeling different from the other children. He had a strange curiosity that was lacking in the other children. He would buy birds from the markets, and set them free, because he thought it was wrong to keep them locked up in cages. He also had a strange curiosity about the world around him. He kept collections of "snakeskins, odd stones polished by water, birds' eggs, the skeletons of small animals, insects stuck on pins, tadpoles, and strange plants," in his room because they fascinated him. Leonardo would draw the things in his collection in a notebook. When his father saw the notebook, he thought that there was a possibility that Leonardo had a chance to become an artist. Piero went into Florence once a month on business and one time he brought some of his son's work. He showed it to his friend Andrea del Verrocchio. "He saw more than just mere talent in Leonardo" and almost immediately, Leonardo moved to Florence as Verrocchio apprentice. Leonardo never got married. From what is known, he did not have any children, either. I find this tragic, for if he had any children, they may have possibly continued in Leonardo's footsteps, and become great geniuses as well. Leonardo was so talented that after Leonardo painted two angels in the corner of Verrocchio's Baptism of Christ, Verrocchio never painted again. Soon after that Leonardo went on to paint the Annunciation, which was his first of only a few completed paintings. When Leonardo painted he generally experimented with new techniques, and paints, so once he finished perfecting the experiment he went on to another work. Leonardo's paintings are truly masterful. He made two copies of one of his first paintings, The Virgin on the Rocks. The first one he painted in Florence. The second one he painted for the Confraternity of the Immaculate Conception. He was commissioned to paint for them. He felt he was not being paid enough to create a new painting. Therefore, rather than refusing to paint, or raising the price, Leonardo, smart as he was, suggested that he copy of The Virgin on the Rocks for them. Although the paintings are relatively the same, there are noticeable differences in the details of the two of them. Leonardo's version of The Last Supper is truly the best version ever created. "Artists before Leonardo had tried to recreate this dramatic moment in Christ's life, but no one had succeeded with such nobility and force." Leonardo depicted all the apostles with such personality and grace that all of their emotions and feelings were masterfully revealed. The betrayal is shown beautifully as well. Truly, no one has ever come close to surpassing the true genius of DaVinci's depiction of the Last Supper. Another great painting by Leonardo DaVinci is the Mona Lisa. This is his most famous painting. Mona Lisa was the daughter of a Florentine merchant. She is sitting with her hands folded, with a particular grin, which is seen in many of Leonardo's paintings. Leonardo's inventions were way ahead of his time. He created plans for tanks, helicopters, submarines, and many other weapons of war and machinery. He also experimented with flying, and although now one really knows for sure, many people believe that he was unsuccessful at this. For every recreation of his experiment has used materials that Leonardo didn't have

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

20 Disney Research Paper Topics

20 Disney Research Paper Topics The legacy of great men go through many trials and tribulations due to the fact that most writers tend to either exaggerate   good or bad sides of their â€Å"characters†, which leaves most autobiographies flawed and this will be the same for Walt Disney. The iconic animated man’s achievements which helped make him a cult hero to some, have also tainted him in the eyes of others and since he is a public figure with the posthumous tag, just about anyone can write about Walt Disney without fear of legal retribution. Therefore, if you have received an assignment to write a research paper on Walt Disney, you have nothing to fear and as there is plenty of facts   about the creator of Mickey Mouse. But for those struggling to find a direction on how to proceed with writing a research paper on Walt Disney, this article is intended to serve as a guide in organizing your thoughts and putting them on paper in such a way that it makes excellent reading for any audience. In that note, we will provide you with 20 Disney research paper topics as well as a sample essay written to give you an example of a structure. So stay tuned. 20 Captivating Disney Research Paper Topics Analyzing the Alice Comedies, Mickey Mouse and Oswald the Lucky Rabbit as an Introduction into Walt Disney’s Early Creative Years The Tragic Loss of Oswald the Lucky Rabbit and the Future it Spurned How Walt Disney Learnt the Importance of a Contract Exploring Walt Disney’s Creative Journey as a Glimpse into 18th Century Animation The Animated History of the Academy Awards in Relation to Cartoons The Creation of Disney Studios and Its Mainstream Appeal Recognizing Walt Disney’s Genius through the Oscars The Role of Animation in Driving the Red Scare Movement in the United States Exploring Walt Disney’s Anti-Communist Views in His Animated Works The Story behind the Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals Animation as a Tool for Propaganda in the Second World War Understanding the Motives behind Walt Disney’s War Propaganda Using Animation as a Training and Recruiting Medium: The Hollywood Story How the Locomotive Train Inspired the Disneyland of Today Dressing in the Workplace: A Walt Disney Perspective Exploring Walt Disney’s Personal Relationships and Charity Works Tracing Walt Disney’s Footsteps in the Sands of Time Finding Truth in Walt Disney’s Alleged Anti-Semitic Views Analyzing Walt Disney’s Workplace Misogyny and 19th Century Influences Did Walt Disney Share and Encourage Racist Views? Wow! Here are 20 hard-hitting topics that are sure to raise both your and your audience’s interest to the icon and the beliefs that drove his deep convictions. These topics are intended to help you truly explore Walt Disney in your own terms and discuss the legacy he left behind in an educated manner. So do not hesitate to be inspired by them when drafting your research paper. Sample Essay on The Tragic Loss of Oswald the Lucky Rabbit and the Future It Spurned In 1923, a young bright-eyed boy with great creative ideas for the motion picture industry, moved to California as most people looking for fame still do till this day. As a great but unproven talent, the young Walt Disney quickly put himself to work and by 1927, he had come up with his first major breakout animated series titled Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. And not unlike most first time entrepreneurs, artiste and athletes, he was at the stage of his career were any distribution deal placing his ideas in front of the masses would fit his dreams to be a successful cartoonist. So in 1927, Walt Disney signed a distribution deal with Universal Studios with the help of Charles Mintz. Desperate to receive help in bringing his ideas to life, the young Disney signed the contract without due diligence and as luck would have it, the Oswald series became best sellers. The contract signing was followed by a successful 26 episode stint as stipulated by the distributors and when the time to renew the contract approached, Walt Disney discovered that he had signed away the entire rights of the cartoon series to Universal Studio. This marked the end of an era, as a semi-successful Walt Disney vowed to produce his own cartoons, seek distribution deals favorable to him and more importantly own all the rights to his future creations. This decision marked the turning point in Disney’s career as it led to the creation of the iconic Mickey Mouse which went on to outdo the Oswald series. That singular decision led Walt and his brother, Roy Disney, to seek a new studio which they promptly used as a springboard in revitalizing their careers. A decade later, Walt Disney Studios had delved into the creation of animated motion pictures and in 1938, their sophomore effort under the Disney name- Silly Symphonies- landed the Academy Award for the best Animated Short Film. It was the first award Walt Disney received as well as the first time the Academy recognized the importance of animation in telling stories. This success paved the way for more than ever creative Disney brothers to develop more animated films such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, The Three Little Pigs etc. which were high grossing films during the 30’s. Further laurels were added to Walt Disney’s cap when he received his star on the Hollywood walk of fame alongside his iconic character, Mickey Mouse. In Walt Disney’s case, a tragic contract dispute spurned the creative genius to higher heights which can be seen in his personal works as well as the animations it continues to inspire till this day. Here we come to the end of the sample research paper on Walt Disney and the reader can tell that we have included some facts about his life in making this paper accurate. You too can achieve such accuracy by checking out this article containing 10 facts for a research paper on Walt Disney. Article dedicated to writing a research paper on Walt Disney may help you to write well structured coherent essay. It is recommended that you go through these supporting materials for they will aid your writing abilities in the long run. References: Prince, S. (1993). : Behind the Oscar: The Secret History of the Academy Awards. Anthony Holden. Film Quarterly, 46(4), pp.63-63. King, M. (1981). Disneyland and Walt Disney World: Traditional Values in Futuristic Form. The Journal of Popular Culture, 15(1), pp.116-140. Holmlund, C. (1979). Tots to Tanks: Walt Disney Presents Feminism for the Family. Social Text, (2), p.122. Neuman, R. (1999). â€Å"Now Mickey Mouse Enters Arts Temple†: Walt Disney at the Intersection of Art and Entertainment. Visual Resources, 14(3), pp.249-261. Wasko, J. (2008). Review: Michael Barrier, The Animated Man: A Life of Walt Disney. University of California Press, 2007. Animation, 3(3), pp.306-309. Davis, A. (2014). Book review: Demystifying Disney: A History of Disney Feature Animation. Animation, 9(3), pp.355-358. Jackson, K. (2012). Book review: The Mouse Machine: Disney and Technology. Animation, 7(2), pp.211-213.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Alices Adventures in Wonderland Book Review

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Book Review Alices Adventures in Wonderland is one of the most famous and enduring childrens classics. The novel is full of whimsical charm, and a feeling for the absurd that is unsurpassed. But, who was Lewis Carroll? Charles Dodgson Lewis Carroll (Charles Dodgson) was a mathematician and logician who lectured at Oxford University. He balanced both personas, as he used his study in the sciences to create his eminently strange books. Alices Adventures in Wonderland is a charming, light book, that reputedly pleased Queen Victoria. She asked to receive the authors next work and was swiftly sent a copy of An Elementary Treatment of Determinants. Synopsis The book begins with young Alice, bored, sitting by a river, reading a book with her sister. Then Alice catches sight of a small white figure, a rabbit dressed in a waistcoat and holding a pocket watch, murmuring to himself that he is late. She runs after the rabbit and follows it into a hole. After falling into the depths of the earth, she finds herself in a corridor full of doors. At the end of the corridor, there is a tiny door with a tiny key through which Alice can see a beautiful garden that she is desperate to enter. She then spots a bottle labeled Drink me (which she does) and begins to shrink until she is small enough to fit through the door. Unfortunately, she has left the key that fits the lock on a table, now well out of her reach. She then finds a cake labeled Eat me (which, again, she does), and is restored to her normal size. Disconcerted by this frustrating series of events, Alice begins to cry, and as she does, she shrinks and is washed away in her own tears. This strange beginning leads to a series of progressively ​curiouser and curiouser events, which see Alice babysit a pig, take part in a tea party that is held hostage by time (so never ends), and engage in a game of croquet in which flamingos are used as mallets and hedgehogs as balls. She meets some extravagant and incredible characters, from the Cheshire Cat to a caterpillar smoking a hookah and being decidedly contradictory. She also, famously, meets the Queen of Hearts who has a penchant for execution.​ The book reaches its climax in the trial of the Knave of Hearts, who is accused of stealing the Queens tarts. A good deal of nonsense evidence is given against the unfortunate man, and a letter is produced which only refers to events by pronouns (but which is supposedly damning evidence). Alice, who by now has grown to a great size, stands up for the Knave and the Queen, predictably, demands her execution. As she is fighting off the Queen’s card soldiers, Alice awakes, realizing she has been dreaming all along. Review Carrolls book is episodic and reveals more in the situations that it contrives than in any serious attempt at plot or character analysis. Like a series of nonsense poems or stories created more for their puzzling nature or illogical delightfulness, the events of Alices adventure are her encounters with incredible but immensely likable characters. Carroll was a master of toying with the eccentricities of language. One feels that Carroll is never more at home than when he is playing, punning, or otherwise messing around with the English tongue. Although the book has been interpreted in numerous ways, from an allegory of semiotics theory to a drug-fueled hallucination, perhaps it is this playfulness that has ensured its  success over the last century. The book is brilliant for children, but with enough hilarity and joy for life in it to please adults too, Alices Adventures in Wonderland is a lovely book with which to take a brief respite from our overly rational and sometimes dreary world.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Design and the New Ornament Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Design and the New Ornament - Case Study Example The Latin term memento mori stands for - remember that you must die. They remind that everyone is mortal. 'Memento' also stands for 'a point of departure'. A deviation. Perhaps even signifying unfaithfulness. 'Memento Mori' is also the title of a story written by Jonathan Nolan. The complex story is centered around a man named Leonard in a mental institution. Leonard has problems with his memory and so has to depend on notes and pictures to daily remind himself about what he has to do, even simple chores like brushing his teeth. The extend of his brain damage could be gauged from the scenes of Leonard trying to cope with his daily life. The main cause of his problem is the rape and murder of his wife. This is all he can think of, and he carries on with notes written in italics to himself stuck all over the ceiling where he stoically explains why he could never lead a normal existence. He seeks revenge for his wife's murder knowing he cannot get over it. This is the only scene fresh in his mind and memory. The story is interspersed with five brief scenes in Leonard's life - waking up in a mental institution, trying to go through the process of brushing his teeth, waking up fully clothed in bed, and then reading the note on the ceiling telling him he must escape the institution to find his wife's killer.He opens his eyes to find himself getting a tattoo, waking up in a hotel room, and examining all his tattooed facts and instructions, including a sketch of a man's face; looking out a car window at a dead man on the sidewalk with a face matching his tattoo, then finding that he is handcuffed and can't find a pen as the car pulls away from the scene.The human mind, conditioned largely by what we read, learn and are told, is rather crazy. The images it creates in people's minds, seen or unseen, largely influences the person to go in for a particular tattoo design at a specific spot in his or her body. Earlier, tattoos were largely used by ruffians, outlaws and biker gangs. But now even ce lebrities sport tattoos and complement their piercings. ( History of the tattoo The word 'tattoo' comes from the Tahitian word tatau. In the 1800s tattoos were particularly popular in England where sailors would get them as permanent souvenirs of their travels ( Tattoos have been around for thousands of years. They have been found in 3,000 years old Egyptian mummies. They are sported in designs of all kinds, plain, elaborate, colorful, almost always personal. Permanent once etched, they serve as amulets, status symbols, love emblems, adornments, and even signs of religious beliefs. Joann Fletcher, research fellow in the department of archaeology at the University of York in Britain, describes the history of tattoos and their cultural significance to people around the world, from the famous " Iceman," a 5,200-year-old frozen mummy, to today's Maori. www.smithsonian.com1. If you're thinking about getting a tattoo, make sure you are up to date with your immunizations, and plans about where to go for medical care if your tattoo becomes infected.Added to these, you have to take the precaution of consulting your doctor if you

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Moonshine and it's effect on the U.S. economy Term Paper

Moonshine and it's effect on the U.S. economy - Term Paper Example However, this prompted the rise of illegitimate businesses that came in the form of moonshiners, and organized crime. The crime came in the form of criminals willing to transport and distribute alcohol for capital. It was known as moonshining since the brewing of alcohol was done in the night. This paper will review the effect moonshining had on the U.S. economy, and the decline of the business after the repealing of the laws of prohibition. The disruption of normal activities in the local breweries and taverns made it exceedingly difficult for the residents to make a living (Miller 35). The sale of alcoholic beverages that had a percentage of more than 2.5% was illegal. This meant that all the activities being carried out were illegal. This was as the amendment dictated. What this disruption in business created was an economic, and social problem that affected the economy, and people of the nation respectively. In the economy, there was the disruption of the tax revenue. This was the tax revenue that was to be collected through legitimate sales of alcohol and other alcoholic beverages. This caused the economy to fall since the number of companies conducting business went down. This loss meant that the government had to look for alternative sources of revenue, other than that brought in from the brewing companies. This move presented a problem since other local traders suffered the brunt of this law (Caraway 35). The tax increment placed on their goods and services made it hard for them to stay in business for long, and still make profits. The rise in illegitimate business transactions made it hard for tax to be collected as it should. Organized crime came into existence since there needed to be importation and distribution of illegal alcohol. The law of prohibition prevented the sale of alcohol. However, it did not prevent the prevailing rate of illegitimate businesses that would follow

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Administrative Ethics Paper Essay Example for Free

Administrative Ethics Paper Essay In the health care setting for administrators there is an ongoing occurrence of ethical issues implicit in daily activities. A health care administrator we have assignments to the business as well as to ourselves to help the customers and our coworkers who accommodated and checked the patients within the company. The information technology system is growing rapidly this is an ethical issue for the administrators that always shows itself within the company and that is the confidentiality of data. Confidentiality information is private, facts about another person, company, etc. in a health care setting confidentiality is patients’ medical information stored into a system by the company. When working in the healthcare fields there are some rules concerning confidentiality, and they are; know the facts, have decision-making skills that control confidential data, and have some ethical alertness. The significance of developing ethical alertness is being able to handle confidential data, boosted education, and conversations regarding these problems should happen within the company to give pessimistic opinions of the coworkers and this could assist them to get through the conversation, conservative views, and moral instruction, this could take along groundbreaking ways for coworkers and other to efficiently to reply hard data, and this potentially could come into view. As an administrator, we are avowed in by morals to value the confidentiality of data we intake, and use for the company. Confidentiality data can have but is not restricted to, staff private data and recompense records. The issue and impact on the population that affects most will be explained in this case study; this will be the scenery for the moral examination of problems an administrator linked to revealing confidential data regarding a worker. We have a nurse name Michelle, who is the leading nurse at a hospital with 250 beds. Michelle has worked in the administration field for three years and thinks highly of herself compared to the other coworkers in the company. When it came to decision making Michelle always found a way to disagree. Michelle  acknowledges that the company is unstable from general duties of the company price extracting and also includes employee reduction. Michelle acknowledged that the gross was high that it usually is, and this could cause hardship in the working environment that will also consist of workers not certified and obligatory overtime. Michelle thinks these problems were due because of the altering attitude of the hospital managerial team. We have Nurse Jackie, who is the second head nurse; she has worked in the nursing field for a few years. She is mothers who use to stay-at-home and take care of her family (husband, and daughters). When Jackie’s children got older Jackie wanted to go back to work. Jackie’s husband realized with his paycheck and her paycheck combined they would not have enough funds to support their daughters for college and their tuition increases every year. A position at the hospital opened for her to apply for and Jackie’s husband thought that would be a superior idea for Jackie to apply for it because it could assist him and her on helping their daughters with college. Jackie got hired, although her nursing knowledge has not been streamlined. Jackie thought that because she was not a permanent staff worker there that they would not ask her to do much so she took on more hours. The administrator for nursing name is Karen; she is also associates with Michelle. These two ladies have had issue regarding quality of care. Michelle began drama regarding supple workers pool nurses to work on the medical units to Karen’s attention, without an acceptable answer. Karen’s workers were arbitrarily assigned in various parts of the hospital, which made it hard for Karen to monitor her staff. Karen’s view of Michelle is her certainty that the nurses ought to have awareness in every aspect of medicine, whereas Karen think this is idealistic considering they go in various assorted areas. Jackie began to see work as a stressful environment; she did not get to make friends with any coworkers because they were constantly moving around to different departments. She gave out medication to patients who did not recognize her. When Jackie had a question she would ask the physician, and they would not answer her so she would ask Karen for help. Work for Jackie was becoming unbearable, but her husband did not care he was happy to see the paychecks coming in and wanted her to keep working overtime because it was helping his and her savings big time. Jackie felt trapped because she wanted to lessen her hours at work, but her husband wanted her to do more hours so in result  Jackie began to taking drugs, she knew this could affect her job, but she needed to do this to decrease her stress. Jackie’s changes were not noticed for a while until she was told to work in the surgical area for a few weeks to assist an employee who was leaving for vacation. A pharmacist noticed a difference in giving out medication for example, a rare rise in narcotics and errors of signatures on the medication paperwork. The pharmacist took the problem to Michelle and Michelle did some investigating. Jackie was found guilty and Michelle went to Jackie’s boss who is Karen. Karen and Michelle talked to Jackie, Jackie admitted her wrongdoing, Karen resolute was for Jackie to go to a rehabilitation center and recover from this and when she does she could come back and work for the company. Karen also chose to not tell the state board of Registered Professional Nurses. After these events occurred Michelle chose to have a meeting with the nurse manager of surgical unit, human resources director, and the chair of the nursing ethics committee to decide rather she needs to be more should have happened in a situation like this. Jackie does have the right to confidentiality, but Michelle thought this could be a good staff conversation. Karen believed total opposite; she believed this would break Jackie’s confidentiality. The problem at the meeting was confidentiality and the nurses having incompatible opinions of confidentiality and the impression on others. Michelle believed that the way Jackie had act failed her position because patients were not treated correctly and other staff actions had been effect by Jackie’s duties so Michelle believed that meeting need to be held. Michelle believed the patient’s pain was impaired, and Jackie’s unwillingness harmed the patients. This was essential to her to demonstrate that the company was devoted to suitable action in giving a precautious workplace of knowledgeable workers/patients. Examinations of moral questions have an organized procedure to decide and choose the best result a problem occurs when there are moral questions with various results. When a problem does not occur there are no moral problems. A great moral result is reliant on good problem recognition and detail meetings. There are many ethical reasons to maintain confidentiality, and some are; protect private data that will consist of respecting others, maintaining sureness, which raises open discussion. We all have the power and guidance to have accountability to exercise in a steadily moral way. References 1. Badzek, L., Mitchell, K., Marra, S., Bower, M., and (Dec.31 1998): Administrative Ethics and Confidentiality/Privacy issues Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. Vol 3, No.3 Retrieved September 29, 2012 2. Confidentiality in Health Care Health Care Professionals Must Learn the Rules of Confidentiality Sept. 29, 2012 Kathy Quan 3. HIPPA- Overview Copyright  © 2005 |University of Florida Retrieved September 29, 2012

Thursday, November 14, 2019

In Cases Of Juvenile Arrest, Rehabilitation, Not Punishment Should Be :: essays research papers

Why would our government try to hurt kids? Well, kids are being hurt right now. You see, in America punishment, rather than rehabilitation is being emphasized for juveniles who commit crimes. This way of thinking must stop with the addition of rehabilitation and prevention programs for juvenile offenders.States vary in their legal definition of a juvenile. In Illinois, for example, a juvenile is defined as any person below the age of 17. Using each states legal definition, the FBI reported that 62% of juveniles arrested in 1992 were referred to juvenile courts, 5% to a criminal or adult court, 2% to a welfare agency, and 1% to another police agency. The kids sent to adult prisons were eight times as likely to commit suicide. It has also been evident that those kids incarcerated with adults are also more likely to become repeat offenders. Legislation pending in congress now is debating several issues. Among them are weather to have children as young as 13 be prosecuted and sentenced as adults for certain crimes, give prosecutors the discretion to transfer a juvenile to an adult court in certain crimes, and allow juveniles to have incidental contact and in some cases be housed with adults.I take an opposing point of view with that of congress. If a 13 year old is imprisoned, how can he become a functional member of society upon his release? How will he create a positive lifestyle for himself? The real question is: How can he turn in any direction other than that of crime? He simple will not be able to. If a child is sent to a prison to stay in a cell for hours at a time, the only life he will know is the life he came from, not the life that could be his. Also, a prosecutor shouldn't have the privilege to decide what court a kid is placed in. A prosecutor has a built in bias; the decision should be left to a judge who would look in the best interest of the convicted person. The statistics prove that housing children with adults can only have a disastrous outcome for the juvenile. The goal of juvenile detention should be to rehabilitate and develop the individual. Appropriate educational skills need to be taught. Children need to be put in touch with their feeling through counseling. Juvenile offenders need to be exposed to role models from within their community and without.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Law and the legal system Essay

1. Law and the legal system are based on ideas from centuries past, but both are still constantly evolving to meet the needs of today’s world. What do you think will be the next amendment added to the US Constitution? Why? I think the next amendment will be the legalization of same sex marriage as it seems that more and more states are legalizing it. 2. The Constitution protects free speech, free press, free assembly, and freedom of religion. Additionally, the Supreme Court has upheld protection for freedom of expression. How has this culture of freedom led to the society we have today? It led us to be more controversial and voice our opinion more then other cultures around the world. In my opinion people are more caring and more likely to do acts of kindness in America then places like Russia. 3. What is an issue involving the legal system that is currently getting a lot of attention in your state? What is your opinion on the issue? An issue that is getting a lot of attention is the legalization of medical marijuana. I think it should be legalized as it shows signs of being a treatment for people who have cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, pain, glaucoma, epilepsy, and other conditions. 4. Have your opinions on the legal system, the government, or law in general changed since you started taking this course? Why or why not? My opinion has not really changed, but I do understand a lot of it on a deeper level now.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Making a Wise Choice by Avoiding Early Marriage

He has his whole life ahead of him and he still has lots to learn and experience. . What qualities of a mature person does the author possess? -The author seems to possess the qualities of being a mature, wise and responsible Individual. These are evident In the decisions that he made based on morality and not on emotions. He learned from the experiences of his friends and made a realization that a mature person must not act on Impulse and every decision must be done with critical and reflective thinking. . What qualities of an Immature person do you find In his friends? -Considering the choices made by his friends regarding relationships, we think hat they are Immature In a way how they made decisions without weighing the consequences of their actions. Sure, they were ready to face the foreseen responsibilities of being a father but they were not mentally and financially prepared to create a family of their own. 4. Have you had any encounter with Incidents salary to those of the aut hor?Give a personal reaction to your observation In relation to getting married and having a family. -We haven't had such encounters salary to the author. However, we think that entering a relationship and getting married Is a fastidious decision that requires ore time and experience to learn from. It entails huge responsibility that must not be taken lightly. Not everyone Is destined or given the opportunity to have a family; some embrace the path of single blessedness while others are called to live a religious life.Making a Wise Choice by Avoiding Early Marriage By Karakas-Manual MANUAL, Karakas Pauline D. J. HOBBIES, Mane Crystal JOY L. Responsible individual. These are evident in the decisions that he made based on made a realization that a mature person must not act on impulse and every decision 3. What qualities of an immature person do you find in his friends? Hat they are immature in a way how they made decisions without weighing the 4. Have you had any encounter with incid ents similar to those of the author?Give a personal reaction to your observation in relation to getting married and having a -We haven't had such encounters similar to the author. However, we think that entering a relationship and getting married is a fastidious decision that requires more time and experience to learn from. It entails huge responsibility that must not be taken lightly. Not everyone is destined or given the opportunity to have a family; religious life.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Essay on Sleep Essays

Essay on Sleep Essays Essay on Sleep Paper Essay on Sleep Paper Sleep Essay Does anybody ever come home from a long day of work or a hard day at school and only one thing is on your mind. It is probably the greatest feeling on earth, well at least one of the greatest feelings on earth. What am I talking about? I am talking about sleep. Since the beginning of time history is filled with people fascinated with sleep. Does anybody ever think about why we sleep or what goes on to our brains while we sleep? Well before the twentieth century sleep was thought of as just a period of restful inactivity because there was no clear way to study brain activity. But since then the invention of the electroencephalograph by German psychiatrist Hans Berger in the 1920s it gave sleep researchers a tool for studying brain activity. These brain activities that they study are called brain waves. Todays scientist research a number of physical functions during sleep such as eye movements, muscle movements, breathing rate, air flow, pulse, blood pressure, amount of exhaled carbon dioxide, body temperature, and breathing sounds. There are two basic types of sleep. REM sleep also known as rapid eye movement sleep or active sleep, and NREM sleep, or non rapid eye movement sleep, also known as quiet sleep witch is divided into four stages witch I will describe shortly. I will also describe the changes in sleep over our lifespan. While you are preparing for bed you are up and reasonably alert so your brain produces small, fast brain waves called beta brain waves. When your head hits the pillow your muscles begin to relax and your brains electrical activity starts to slow down making the brain produce slower and larger brain waves called alpha brain waves. During this stage you may start to experience odd but realistic s ensations such as your name being called or you feel a falling sensation or maybe you see kaleidoscope-like patterns. These experiences are called hypnagogic hallucinations.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Win a Walmart Scholarship Strategy Guide

How to Win a Walmart Scholarship Strategy Guide SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips You probably didn't know that Walmart offers a couple of scholarship opportunities for employees and their dependents. These scholarships are meant to cover college or vocational school expenses for those with financial need. In this guide, I'll start by talking about eligibility requirements and the application process. If you're already familiar with this information, skip to the second half of this post- this is where I'll give tips and strategies for increasing your chances of winning a Walmart scholarship. What Are the Walmart Scholarships? Walmart has two scholarship options: Associate Walmart Scholarship Dependent Walmart Scholarship Both options are geared to assist Walmart employees and their families who might not otherwise be able to afford a college education. If you win one of these scholarships, you can renew your award throughout the length of your degree program without having to reapply. If you're eligible for both scholarships (for example, if you and your parent both work at Walmart), note that you can only win one. Associate Walmart Scholarship The Associate Scholarship is available to Walmart employees who are U.S. citizens or permanent legal residents, have a high school diploma or GED, and have worked full- or part-time at the company for at least six consecutive months before the application deadline. The scholarship can be renewed for up to six years, or until the end of the funded degree program (whichever comes first), with a maximum funding limit of $16,000 per degree program. Your level of funding depends on (1) your enrollment status, and (2) the type of school you're attending. Here's an outline of the funding levels per award period: Public US University 2-Year Institution (Community College / Certificate Program) 4-Year Institution / Graduate Institution 3-6 credit hours = $500 3-6 credit hours = $500 3-6 credit hours = $750 7-11 credit hours = $750 7-11 credit hours = $750 7-11 credit hours = $1,125 12+ credit hours = $1,000 12+ credit hours = $1,000 12+ credit hours = $1,500 Source: Walmart Associate Scholarship Program Guidelines Dependent Walmart Scholarship The Dependent Scholarship is available to dependentsof Walmart employees who are U.S. citizens or permanent legal residents, are about to graduate with a high school diploma or GED equivalent, and have worked full- or part-time at the company for at least six consecutive months before the application deadline. In other words, if you're a child or dependent of a Walmart employee, you're eligible for this scholarshipeven if you haven't worked there yourself. The award is renewable and can be used for up to four years of continuous, full-time enrollment, with a maximum funding limit of $13,000 per degree program.Awards are disbursed, or given out, $1,625 at a time. Are You Eligible for a Walmart Scholarship? Unfortunately, neither the Associate Scholarship nor the Dependent Scholarship is open to the public.In order to be eligible, you must be either a Walmart employee or the dependent of a Walmart employee. The Associate and Dependent scholarships have slightly different eligibility requirements, which I've outlined below. Associate Scholarship Eligibility Requirements In order to be considered for the Associate Scholarship, you must meet allthe following criteria: Be either a US citizen or permanent legal resident of the US Be employed with Walmart at least six consecutive months before the application deadline Have a high school diploma or GED, or be a graduating high schoolsenior who is planning to enroll in college after graduation If you're applying for the scholarship as a high school senior, you must wait to apply until you're within six months of starting college classes Be able to demonstrate financial need (I'll discuss how to do this in the section on applying for the scholarship) Dependent Scholarship Eligibility Requirements In order to be considered for the Dependent Scholarship, you must meet allthe following criteria: Be either a US citizen orpermanent legal resident of the US Be the dependent of a Walmart employee who's actively worked with the company for at least six consecutive months before the application deadline (note that dependents of Board of Directors or officers are not eligible to apply) Be a high school or homeschooled graduating senior, orbe earning a GED Be able to demonstrate financial need (I'll discuss how to do this in the section on applying for the scholarship) Have a high school GPA of at least 2.0 Enroll for the fall semester as a full-time freshman/first-year student at an accredited two- or four-year college or university (does not include military academies) To renew your funds, you must be enrolled full-time, with a minimum 2.0 GPA, and attending a four-year college by your third year You don't need a perfect report card to apply for this scholarship (not that it would hurt!). What Do I Need to Apply for a Walmart Scholarship? In order to apply for a Walmart scholarship, you'll need to gather some materials and information, especially those concerning your family's financial situation. Below, I list everything you need to have before you can apply for each type of Walmart scholarship. Associate Scholarship Materials To apply for the Associate Scholarship, you'll need to have the following information: Financial Information If a family member has claimed you as a dependent, you'll needan electronic copy of your most recent family income tax return. If you have claimed yourself, you'll need a copy of your most recent tax return. Your family's adjusted gross income Your Expected Family Contribution (EFC). You can estimate your EFC using FAFSA4caster. Get instructions on how to use FAFSA4CASTER here. To get an official EFC, you must submit a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Use this guide for step-by-step instructions on how to submit a FAFSA. Other Information A comprehensive list of volunteer or service activities you've participated in within the last four years Name and contact information for your high school Name of the college or vocational school you're planning to attend Your Walmart facility number (ask your manager if you don't have this information) Dependent Scholarship Materials To apply for the Dependent Scholarship, you'll need to gather the following information: Financial Information Current US federal income tax return from the individual who's claimed you as a dependent Current federal Student Aid Report (SAR). A SAR is generated when you submit a FAFSA. If you submit your FAFSA online, it'll take about three days to receive your SAR. Get step-by-step instructions on submitting a FAFSA here. Other Information Your high school transcript showing your grades and GPA through your first semester of senior year. This does not need to be an official transcript. How Do You Submit a Walmart Scholarship Application? You can submit an application for both the Associate and Dependent Scholarships online through the Walmart website. Register for an account and take the appropriate Scholarship Eligibility Quiz to gain access to the application. If you fail to meet eligibility requirements, you won't be able to submit an application.When your application is submitted, you'll receive an email verification. The Associate Scholarship application hasfour application windows throughout the year. Here are the upcoming application periods: Application Launch Date Application Deadline Award Notification Date February 1, 2019 March 1, 2019 April 15, 2019 May 1, 2019 June 1, 2019 July 15, 2019 August 1, 2019 September 1, 2019 October 15, 2019 November 1, 2019 December 1, 2019 January 15, 2020 Meanwhile, the Dependent Scholarship application window for this year is January 3, 2019, to April 2, 2019. When Do You Find Out Whether You've Been Selected for a Walmart Scholarship? Notification for the Associate Scholarship depends on the application deadline(see chart above). Typically, though, applicants are notified six weeks after the deadline. Dependent Scholarship applicants for this year'scycle will be notified mid-May 2019. How Can You Use Walmart Scholarship Money? If you're offered a Walmart scholarship, you'll need to submit a Scholarship Acceptance Agreement online before any funds are disbursed. Scholarship checks will then be mailed directly to your school.The scholarship money can be applied to charges for tuition, fees, books, and on-campus room and board. Associate and Dependent Scholarship funds must be used at an accredited school.Unfortunately, you can't use Walmart scholarship funds at military academies. Use these strategies to submit your very best scholarship application! How to Raise Your Odds of Winning a Walmart Scholarship There's a lot of overlap between the Associate and Dependent Scholarships, so first I'll give general advice that applies to both programs. Then, where there are differences between the scholarships, I'll give specialized advice. All scholarship applications are evaluated by an independent, impartial selection committee. This means that everyone with a complete application and who meets all eligibility requirements will be considered for the award. Financial need is considered a primary criterion for both scholarships.There's not much you can do to change your family's financial situation, but you'll have a chance to explain any financial hardships or difficulties in your application. General Tips for Any Walmart Scholarship Application Make sure you meet all eligibility requirements before beginning the application process. If you don't meet the requirements and answer the EligibilityQuiz honestly, you won't even get access to the application. The applications ask about your employment history with Walmart. If you or the person who's claimed you as a dependent is in good standing, you'll likely have a better chance of winning the scholarship. The applications ask about your parents' levels of education. First-generation college students might be more likely to win the scholarship. The applications give you the opportunity to talk about "special circumstances." This is a chance to set yourself apart from other eligible applicants. Here's what to do: Touch briefly on any financial hardships without sounding too self-defeating. Be matter-of-fact and explain how a Walmart scholarship could help you achieve your academic and professional goals in light of your financial limitations. One Walmart scholarship winner said he was grateful for the assistance in funding his education because it would improve his family's future. Will winning this scholarship affect anyone besides you in a positiveway?If so, discuss that in your application. Mention any extraordinary hardships or events that have challenged you. An evaluation committee will be impressed with an individual who has overcome significant obstacles to further pursue his or her educational and career goals. Tips for the Associate Scholarship Application This scholarship is very competitive- only about 10% of eligible applicants receive the award. As such, it's important to dedicate significant time and energy to your application. In addition to financial need, an important criterion considered by the evaluation committee is the applicant's level of community involvement. Here are some tips for your Associate Scholarship application: The application gives you the option to discuss up to three volunteer experiences you’ve had within the last four years. Examples include hospital volunteering; drug, teen, or homework helplines; and outreach programs. Based on these examples, it seems that this program is looking primarily for applicants who have worked with disadvantaged or marginalized populations. Talk about your passion for helping others. Do not repeat information about your volunteer activities; rather, discuss your future educational plans and how they will letyouhelp others. Emphasize any similar volunteer activities you've participated in. If you're currently looking for volunteer opportunities and might apply for this scholarship in the future, seek out a position through which you can demonstrate community involvement.For example, you could volunteer at a nursing home, a refugee center, or a low-income school. As you can tell, Walmart likely wants to maximize its impact on the community, which means if it funds students who have also contributed to the community, its impact will be magnified. Your goal is to prove that you'll be able to use the aid to improve your community as an ideal Walmart representative. Tips for the Dependent Scholarship Application This scholarship is fairly competitive, with only about 25% of eligible applicants receiving the award.In addition to financial need, an important criterion considered by the evaluation committee is your past academic performance. Here are our best tips and strategies for the Dependent Scholarship application: If you're a younger high school student, one of the best things you can do to increase your changes of winning the scholarship is to keep up your grades. A 2.0 GPA is the minimum to apply, but the selection committee will undoubtedly be more impressed with a high-achieving student. Talk about your academic passions and interests. Explain how this scholarship will assist you in achieving concrete career or educational goals based on your academic interests. If you meet the minimum GPA requirement but have rough patches in your academic record, use your application to explain why. Be matter-of-fact, but don't make excuses. Discuss any hardships that might have affected your academic performance(e.g., you got a job to help support your family, you missed school due to an ongoing illness or injury, etc.). Walmart has millions of employees, and to maximize the impact of its scholarship funds, it wants to find employees' dependentswho are most likely to make the most of their educations. A good predictor of this is the student's academic performance, so emphasize to Walmart that you'll utilize its scholarship funds to ultimately empower your future. What's Next? There are lots of scholarship opportunities out there, even if you're not a Walmart associate or dependent. The National Merit Scholarship is one great option; you can also get guaranteed scholarships if your standardized test scores are high enough! If you want to explore all your financial aid options and not just scholarships, learn about the Pell Grant and Federal Direct Loans. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Public Opinion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Public Opinion - Assignment Example One of the often cited examples of bad publicity is the survey carried out by the tobacco company arguing that the â€Å"final cost of smoking outweighed the benefits in Czech Republic† (PHA Media, n.d., n.p.). The campaign has caused a huge PR backlash and led to bad publicity of a company. Many PR campaigns end with bad publicity because of various factors, not because they initially were planned to fail. However, many people and/or companies intentionally who create bad publicity in order to gain publicity in general. Celebrities are good examples of it, as they participate in scandals and other negative events in order to remind about themselves to a public and make people to talk about them. This behaviour cannot be viewed as ethical, especially if it has negative impact on other people. It is important to measure the results of PR efforts as this helps to evaluate the success of a campaign. However, in order to be able to interpret the results it is important to carry out evaluation not only after a campaign but also before it starts (Gunn, n.d.). This information will help to understand what impact the PR campaign has. Some of the ways of measuring these results include the following: surveys, interviews, sales figures, enquiries, changes in behaviour of target audience, website hits, etc. (Gunn, n.d.). PHA Media (n.d.). Top ten worst PR fails, bad PR examples and reputation disaster ever. Retrieved 13 April 2015, from: